earmaster webinars


Webinars for Music Educators

Next up: November 26th, 2024

"The importance of sight-singing"

Sight-singing is a skill that’s truly important for any musician working with notated music. Being able to read a score, hear the music in your head, and sing it out loud, trains so many different skills, that sight-singing is a core element in most ear training classes, if not an independent course of its own.

EarMaster has recently added NEW FEATURES which will be demonstrated in the webinar:
The tone ladder and the new option for bass line singing which adds an entirely new dimension to sight-reading with chords.

In a more general sense, several strategies and methods for teaching sight-singing will be presented such as sight-singing: 

  • with a scale-degree focus
  • with an interval focus, incl. atonal
  • with and without rhythm
  • with and without accompaniment
  • from solfege syllables, letters, or numbers
  • with auto-generated melodies in EarMaster
  • with multiple voices such as choir music
  • with your own music added to EarMaster

Søren "Sean" Sloth, educational sales manager at EarMaster
Søren "Sean" Sloth,


Your host will be ear training and music theory teacher, Søren “Sean” Sloth, who has 20 years of teaching experience and has been a guest teacher at the national academy of music in Denmark.

The webinar takes place November 26th at the time indicated below by regional time zones.   

  • Houston (CDT): 8.00 am
  • New York (EDT): 9.00 am
  • London (BST): 2.00 pm
  • Paris, Berlin (CET): 3.00 pm
  • Delhi (IST): 7.30 pm 

Signup deadline: one hour before the webinar.




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