earmaster webinars


Webinars for Music Educators

Next up: JUNE 27, 2024

"Preparing for next school year with EarMaster Cloud"

Make your upcoming school year easier by preparing in advance with EarMaster Cloud!
In this 45-minute webinar, you’ll discover how to efficiently plan lessons and homework using the teacher tools available in EarMaster Cloud. As educators, we know that the next few months can be crucial for preparing future lessons. By getting organized now, you’ll save valuable time when classes resume in the next school year.

During the webinar, you will be shown various strategies employed by experienced EarMaster teachers. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to review sample syllabi that can be immediately incorporated into your own lessons.

After the webinar, you will get the chance to try it all out for free - and get free course templates that can be filled with EarMaster lessons and exercises adjusted to your purpose and students.

The webinar takes place on June 27th, 2024 at the time indicated by regional time zones below.

  • New York (EDT): 9 am
  • London (BST) 2 pm
  • Paris, Berlin (CET): 3 pm
  • Delhi (IST) 6.30 pm
  • Beijing (CST) 9 pm
  • Tokyo (JST) 10 pm
Your host will be Søren Sloth, Ecducational Sales Manager at EarMaster, and an experienced brass, theory and piano teacher.

Signup deadline: one hour before the webinar.



Register today using the form below: