1-Year All-Access Pass (iOS/Android/Windows/Mac)

Price: US$ 39.95

Full access to EarMaster on all platforms for 1 year

Get access to all EarMaster features, courses and exercises on iOS, Android (including Chromebook), Windows and Mac

EarMaster Pro 7 on Windows and Mac
EarMaster on iOS (iPad and iPhone)
EarMaster on Android (Phone, tablet and Chromebook)
Vocal Trainer course on all platforms
✓ Aural Trainer for UK Grades course on all platforms
✓ RCM Voice course on all platforms
Call of the Notes course on all platforms
✓ Greensleeves course on Windows and Mac
Cloud syncing of results and settings across devices
Free updates and upgrades as long as your account is active
Email support by our qualified in-house staff in English, French, German, Spanish and Danish

Languages available:

EarMaster main app: English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, French, German,
Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovene, Spanish, Turkish

Vocal Trainer: English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish

Aural Trainer for UK Grades: English

RCM Voice: English

Greensleeves: English, French, Spanish

User dashboard (account management): EnglishFrenchGermanSpanishJapaneseDanish

System Requirements:

Windows computer running Windows 7 or newer
Mac running macOS 10.12 or newer
iPhone or iPad running iOS 10 or newer
Android Phone or tablet running Android 7 or newer
Chromebook compatible with Google Play

Microphone (built-in computer mic is OK)
2GB Ram
200 MB disk space


Use the app on all your personal devices for 1 year from the date the access code is redeemed. Access can be extended in the future by redeeming a new code or by switching to an auto-renewable subscription plan.


Access code delivered electronically by email as a serial number to redeem online when creating an EarMaster user account.